1. If it is determined that PS Floral Atelier did not make the delivery attempt, it is our policy that we will provide you with a refund.
  2. Should any customer place an order through PS Floral Atelier and need to cancel the order, the cancellation must be made prior to production of the order (subjected to 10% cancellation fee). If the cancellation is received after the order is processed, no refund can be issued. Cancellations will not be accepted if a customer places an order but provides information that prevents direct delivery, such as in the case of a wrong office or home address. The customer can obtain new information so that the order can then be properly delivered using correct information. If new address is outside of the delivery range and PS Floral Atelier cannot deliver it, only 50% of the order can be refunded.
  3. PS Floral Atelier is not responsible for any order where the recipient refuses to accept the item. PS Floral Atelier will not issue refunds to any customer where the recipient, for whatever reason, will not accept the item or refuses delivery.
  4. If the customer has picked up the floral arrangement or plant, and has seen the quality of the flowers, it is the responsibility of the customer to then care for the flowers once it has left the store. No refunds will be given if any question of the quality of the arrangement is not given within 24 hours.